Jyoti Nivas Convent, Ribda

Place : Ribda
Parish: Rajkot
Established Year: 1984
Address: Devamatha Welfare Centre Ribda, Rajkot Dt. Gujarat
Pin: 360 311
Phone: 8140591271

This convent can be described as an offshoot of the first convent in Gondal. When Rev. Fr. Paul Vithayathil CMI started a balawadi here in 1983, one sister from Gondal started service as teacher in charge, with two ladies. Devamatha Welfare Centre is the main field of activity for the sisters, under the CMI priest in charge; it is the priest who took the initiative to have a convent building for the sisters. The convent was blessed and inaugurated by Bishop Mar Gregory Karotemprel on 21st October 1987.

The sisters work in the neighbouring villages, running balawadi, giving tuition classes, tailoring classes, self help groups, awareness classes for the upliftment of women and youth. They give medical help through mobile clinic, give herbal medicine for jaundice, piles, and also conduct medical camps and prayer meetings occasionally.


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